The roles of the Parish Council
The role of any Parish Council is to represent the interests of the whole community. It is the first tier of local government supporting the democratic process. The Parish Council is a corporate body, created by law and is accountable to the local community.
Parish Councils’ powers and duties are laid out by statute which includes the power to raise money through taxation. As custodians of taxpayers’ money Parish Councils are strictly regulated. Our adopted Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Policies provide the regulatory framework that will ensure both legal compliance and the delivery of best practice.
Parish Council’s decisions are the responsibility of the whole body and are made collectively and by the majority of Parish Councillors.
Parish Councillors are your elected representatives to the Parish Council with elections taking place every four years. The full complement of our Parish Council is nine, five Councillors representing Seisdon ward and four representing Trysull ward.
Whereas Parish Councillors all volunteer their time, expertise and resources for free the Parish Council employs a Parish Clerk to attend to its administrative affairs and assist with implementation of its decisions.
Our mission statement is simple:
To openly engage with, listen to and represent the best interests of the residents we serve, to improve their quality of life and that of the local environment.
The role of Parish Councillors
The main role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the views of all residents within the Parish, to listen to and understand the views and needs of different groups within the community.
A Councillor therefore has a responsibility to be as well informed as possible especially about diverse local views and should not assume they represent an interest of their electors without engaging and consulting with them.
Parish Councillors contribute to the work of the Council by suggesting ideas, influencing policy, engaging in constructive debate and responding to the needs and views of the local community.
​Your Parish Councillors are elected representatives and are not volunteers or employees, however they do volunteer their time, resources and expertise for free. They serve for a four-year term, unless co-opted or elected in a by-election when they serve until the next election.
As elected representatives they must understand the legal and regulatory framework that controls their functions and powers to ensure they apply the law in decision making and comply with the Members’ Code of Conduct.
​Individual Councillors cannot make decisions on behalf of the Council but may actively lead and engage with local projects. Councillors have no powers outside of the Council meeting.
​Diversity is encouraged. Councillors from different backgrounds will better represent the whole community and possess different enthusiasms, skills, attitudes and interests.
​Councillors may be required to make sensitive judgements and difficult decisions, nevertheless such decisions must be made openly, honestly and in a reasoned way that can stand scrutiny. Councillors must act ethically and declare any interest when necessary.
Key responsibilities:
Deciding on level of Precept in order to deliver Parish Council services.
Maintaining open spaces, recreational grounds, play areas and car park.
Influencing and shaping the long term development policy for the Parish.
Commenting, as a statutory consultee, on planning applications in the Parish.
Identify issues important to the local community through public engagement and consultation.
Bring about improvements to quality of life and the local environment through local projects.
Lobbying other service providers and working in partnership with other Parishes, local authorities and agencies.
Decide on the level and focus of spending and commitment of resources, ensuring compliance with its legal and regulatory framework.
To respond to the summons to attend a Council meeting and to participate constructively in a decision making process.