Competition Theme & Rules
1) Anyone is very welcome to enter.
2) The year’s theme is ‘Best of the Parish’.
3) The artwork or photo should ideally capture a scene, building, street scape or activity that illustrates the best of rural or parish life in Trysull or Seisdon.
4) Multiple entries are welcome.
5) Trysull and Seisdon Primary School have been invited to take part as special entrance guests and will provide at least one winning picture.
6) Artwork may be in any media - painting, drawing, photograph.
7) N.B. All work must be in landscape format.
8) All competition entries to be received by 31st October 2024 and delivered in sealed packages to 2 Beech Hurst Gardens Seisdon. Photographs may be delivered digitally to the e-mail addresses below.
9) Artwork entries should be accompanied with a name and contact number of the artist together with a title for their work.
10) The judging panel will be made up from representatives of the Parish Council, Women’s Institute and Parochial Church Council.
11) Winners will be notified of results in early November 2024 and will also be announced in the Parish Magazine.
12) All winners will have their artwork featured in the 2025 calendar.
If you have any further questions or queries relating to our ‘2025 Calendar Competition’ please forward these to or